so important
Whether you are just entering puberty or approaching your golden years, the health of your V-Zone can affect your quality life.
Every woman needs an effective feminine hygiene routine to stay fresh, comfortable and confident, every day, so that you’re free to just be your best self.
Having a proper feminine hygiene routine as a young woman is so important to overall pysical and mental well-being. Get started here.
Between family, career and personal growth, make feminine hygiene another item checked off on the road to living your best life.
Growing older is a beautiful and well-earned privilege. Gynaguard products can help keep the balance you’ve worked so hard to create.
The list of benefits you get from exercise is immeasurably long. And yet many women can still experience negative side effects from it in the most sensitive of areas.

Pantyliners. Do you really need the...
To line or not to line? That is the question that many people still ask themselves. A pantyliner is a small piece of absorbent material for feminine hygiene - basically a smaller, thinner version of a regular pad. Many women use them to absorb daily vaginal discharge, menstrual spotting and light flow, or as a back up worn with tampons and menstrual cups.

Vaginal pH: what’s in a number?
As happy and healthy as we are, ensuring that our vaginas are in shipshape is important too. There’s one little number that we all need to know about – pH.

Feminine hygiene and the two V's
The V-Zone isn't called that for nothing, find out about the two V's that matter for your feminine hygiene.
Our promise to you is that every GynaGuard product is made with the highest quality ingredient, which is why we have 6 core benefits that ensure the health of your V-zone.